CCE 30 - Falschgeldprüfgeräte vordere Ansicht

CCE 30

We also offer a short video for updating or changing currencies for our CCE 30, the counterfeit detector with the most currencies per device and numerous available software combinations. 

The available currency combinations can be found in the “Software / Updates” section. The calibration paper is generally included with every SD card.

Update & Kalibrierung

The currency change or update is completed in just a few steps. 

  • Insert the SD card into the device. 
  • Start the update using the corresponding buttons. 
  • The update is transferred from the card to the device. 
  • You only need one card for all CCE 30! 

By calibrating, you optimize the sensors after the update, which is particularly recommended for devices that have been in use for some time. 

A tip by the way: If you open the device and clean the sensors before updating and calibrating, you will increase the effectiveness of the calibration and therefore also the performance of the banknote check.

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